State Bank of India Home Loan

SBI has been awarded “The Most Preferred Home Loan Provider” by AWAAZ
Consumer Awards.   SBI  home  loans  give  concession  on  interest  rates    on  
GREEN HOMES under  its environment protection program. SBI has different 
options   for   loan   borrowers   such   as  SBI – Flexi’   home   loans   provides  
borrowers   a  one   time   irrevocable  option  to  choose  one   of     the     three  
combinations  of  fixed  and  floating  interest rates and also to choose the order
 in  which the  fixed and floating rate will be  availed. The other is ‘SBI- Maxgain
home loans - earn optimal yield on savings and minimize interest burden on home
loans, with  no  extra  cost.  ‘SBI –Realty’  Home   loans - purchase  a  plot  of  land
for     house construction.   ‘SBI – Freedom’  Home  loans –  who  want  to     invest 
in  a  property  without    mortgaging    the    same .   SBI     offers    ‘SBI – Optima’    
additional     home     loans     and  ‘SBI – Homeline’  special  personal      loans   for  
existing   home loan borrowers who have a repayment record of 3 years, etc.


Interest Rate8.5%
Loan AmountMin. - Rs 100000
Max. - Rs 3000000
TenureMin. - 5 Yrs.
Max. - 25 Yrs.
Time to Process Loan7 days

Interest rates:

TenureInterest TypeInterest RateOffer
20 - 25 Yrs.Floating11 %
15 - 20 Yrs.Floating11 %
10 - 15 Yrs.Floating11 %
4 - 10 Yrs.Floating11 %
2 - 3 Yrs.Fixed9.25 %
1 - 2 Yrs.Fixed8.5 %